They made it! 09/09/08

Just a quick update, sitting in a cafe with Wifi, trying to book Big Jack's plane ticket home. The GSB made it in last Wednesday, so that Pappa, Jacobus, Ella and I were able to spend Thursday with them before Pappa, Paul and Keiko flew home on the Friday. As always Brimble looked after the crew well. John will update all shortly!


turquoisenicki said...

Phew - that must be a relief. Glad to know crossing went well. How is J's arm? Take care, Nicki

Mark said...

Hi. I just stumbled on your blog from a google alert for shamrock Quay...It seems we shared a berth on J pontoon for a while. I'm totally jealous of what you've done. Well done you.

Mark (Evelyn - J7)