Team Brimble

For those of you who have read the classic mountaineering book 'The Ascent of Rum Doodle' the crew of the good ship Brimble are as follows: 

Name: Sean M. O’Mahony  
Station ⚓️: Heavy Lifter
Legs: Porto🇵🇹 —> Nazaré🇵🇹
Bio💬: Seans last trip on Brim was some time ago, so he got himself back in the sailing mindset this week. He’s due to be completing the westbound Atlantic crossing onboard the good ship in November, flying out the day after racing fours head (if he doesn’t miss his flight again). Sean is great to have onboard due to the fact he will get you thinking. Sometimes you wish you knew what is going on in someone’s head, however with Sean you don’t need to wish. He thinks aloud so you know he’s wondering “do you think you ever see the same dolphin twice”, “do you think we could sell water that we bottle from the middle of the Atlantic?” Or my favourite, as he is looking in the binoculars at a crowded beach “you recon anyone is looking through binoculars at me right now?”. As a keen member at London RC Sean has his station of ‘Heavy Lifter’ well earned. When around will certainly be the one to weight anchor.

Skills🔧: Covert Chunning, Asking thought provoking questions, Dodging lobster pots, Strange comments out of nowhere, Missing flights, Destroying Burgers in record time, Falling asleep in his dinner & Crashing Stag Dos, and idk probs rowing

🟩Likes🟩: Wondering what this is and what that does. Sleeping at any opportunity, Lipton Ice Tea, The Northern Boys and “Proper Coke”
🟥Dislikes🟥: Fog, Strong ebb tides, Diet Coke, Layovers, Eating anything except Lobster and Crab.

Name: Ben S. Sims 
Station⚓️: Best skier on the mountain
Legs: Baiona 🇪🇸 —> Porto 🇵🇹
Bio💬: From the Slopes of the Alps to the Iberian Atlantic coast, Sims has quickly adjusted to life afloat. With a strong gift of the gab this man has made his mark on the trip, befriending the crew of Delfino for Brimble and promising his newly found sailing skill as crew whenever needed. A skill he was eager to learn. Soaking up everything he could for his future in the world of boatbuilding. Before long this man will surely become Brimbles new bosun. We hope to see you soon sir.

Skills🔧: Booking very expensive restaurants, acquiring strange tan lines, winning hats, talking about wine and actually knowing what he’s talking about, naked ski crashes, & the gab

🟩Likes🟩: Raising the Portuguese flag, Patagonia Hats, Aquariums, Being a statue, Pastel de Natal, Salted Cod, Lord of the Rings and 40k Audiobooks, speaking French in Portugal, & Beer
🟥Dislikes🟥: Coffee, Small children, Forgetting his passport & feeling seasick

Name: Ella F. Halsall
Station⚓️: Helms Woman
Legs: A Coruña 🇪🇸 —> Baiona🇪🇸 [Any many others previously]
Bio💬: Having completed an Atlantic crossing in 2008 with her brother and sailing on Brimble for many years, Ella is no stranger to the good ship. She has long established her sea legs and proves to be skilled in her post as helms woman. As sister of the skipper she also has the role of reporting back to home base (Mum) if any stupidity or lack of H&S is involved in the current command. A pleasure to have onboard, I’m glad to say that she is due to be returning to the good ship sometime in December to sail on the other side of the Atlantic. In the meantime, she goes to start a new job as a liar (lawyer). See you soon!
Skills🔧: Helming, keeping the good ship in tip top condition, finding dolphins, pissing off her brother & beating him at any card game
🟩Likes🟩: Sleep, books, dolphins, lord of the rings audiobooks, being back on the good ship
🟥Dislikes🟥: Her younger brother being in charge, Work calls on holiday, that cushion on her bunk.

Tom Parsons: Ships Doctor and expedition medical advisor. New to Team Brimble. Always ready to sew up an injury even when there's no injury to sew up. Has been quite a way but will definitely go far

Cerys Organ: Ships Artist. New to Team Brimble but already demonstrated an uncanny ability to catch the moment.
Has not gone anywhere but will this year.

Jo Parsons: Ships Psychiatrist. Vital new addition to the team. Surgery will open in the Spring. Currently on full time release to learn the idiosyncrasies of the Duck mind. Has been quite away and smiled all the time.

Mara Gardner: Ships Ambassador. A multi-linguist focussed on English and American dialects. Mara, has lived in more than one country and speaks her mind so is ideal for this outward facing and highly sensitve role. Been far.

John Halsall: inspirational leader of the team and expert in navigation. Recently returned from training programme to learn how to differentiate starboard from port; has been far although you wouldn't think so.

Rob Parsons: second in command, expert with all things electronic, has gone far enough.
Recently returned from a gymnastics seminar.

Selma Halsall: photographer, logistics expert and 'voice of reason', has often gone too far.

Chris 'The Perk' Perkins: Our strong man, expert in endurance; ex-military, so can kill if
necessary. Has been quite far but wants to go further.

Phil Trotter; an expert with money, has been far but wants to go further.

Gordon McBride; team advisor; has been further than all of us put together and then some. Trained as sub-mariner and our underwater expert.
Jack Halsall; ships mechanic, some knowledge of engines based on 300 episodes of Top Gear, has been further than many. Recently woke up but then went straight back to sleep again.

Ella Halsall; has been further than many, will go far, but only if it's south.
Colm Briggs: Expert in Tea drinking. Is willing to go very far providing there's a nice cuppa tea on arrival.

Jerry White: South Coast Crew member. Could go far but currently lost.

Jack Green: Biscay Crew member, sailed across The Biscay and then emigrated to Canada

Paul Elliot, Master Mariner has been exceptionally far. Can also kill if necessary.

Alasdair Flint. Gone farther than most and still going. Capn of the good ship Sumara of Weymouth (Brimbles best friend) and master mariner. One of the few members of the team that does know about sailing. Also owner of the best Chandlery in London, Arthur Beales.

Grit Eckert. Never goes too far but if she does it's well considered and thought through. Calm in a storm .. the only person I have ever met who stays positive whatever's going wrong! Expert in languages

Simon '4 peaks' Blanchflower. Navigation expert and technical advisor. Strength of ten tigers and the resilience of a Duracel Bunny

Anna O'Mahony. Not been very far yet but does have the t-shirt.

The Ducks (also see separate dedicated section)

Eider Duck; the team comm's man. Will go far when he learns to speak.

Cockney Mallard; ships negotiator, diplomat and front man, doesn't care how far he's gone and never will and in any case it's none of your business, alright?

Chirpy Chick (CC); expert in entertainment; never been far but keen to go all the way at the first possible opportunity.

1 comment:

Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor said...

This is one of the funniest About Us/Crew descriptions I've ever read! You guys seem like you would be a hoot to go sailing with :-)