Gimballed Anti-spill Pan (GASP)


Coffee and tea spillage on any yacht is an occupational hazard. Most of us gave up trying to make a cup of anything without major spillage a long time ago. When we arrive in port after even a few days at sea it looks like captain and crew have dedicated a large part of the passage to throwing tea and coffee across the galley and cockpit. The journey of these products can be easily tracked by the crazy dribble marks left by various hot drinks as they explore different crevices of the boat.

But STOP, those days are OVER with the inspirational GASP or Gimballed anti-spill pan. As with any inspired ideas it's simple but brilliant. The GASP is a carefully chosen, retired, Victorian sponge baking tin. It fits four mugs inside and sits snugly between the gimballed cooker clamps and is therefore, by definition, itself gimballed. The combination of the high sided pan and the gimballing effect of the cooker gives you low budget functionality. In the event you have an oven you have the additional benefit of being able to bake a cake at sea to go with your afternoon tea. No boat should be without a GASP.


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