The Good Ship is back ...

 So, after a few years of Blog silence we're back on line.

A quick update on the last few years and then exciting news of our next adventure which is very imminent.

So, we last reported from Scotland. We had an amazing time up there which I think is best explained by clicking HERE

Last year we did a quick sail south and enjoyed a few weeks in Brittany which I have to say is a really lovely place. The Good Ship is currently in Plymouth.

BUT now the hot news.

Young Jack Halsall who has grown up with the Good Ship and appears in many photos over the last 15 years has just finished his MEng at Newcastle Uni' and has decided that a year of sailing is called for. Quite right too.

And so I'm incredibly proud to hand the Good Ship over to young Jack who is heading off shortly. He will  no doubt share his plan and his adventures on this Blog.

You may also be interested to track his and Team Brimble's progress in real time. All you need to do is to go to the Brimbles Blog Home Page and look at the top bar. You will see a tab that says 'Brimbles Latest Position'. Click on this and all will be revealed.

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